Drama and Film Club

Drama and Films Club Introduction Summary

The Drama and Films Club at COEP Technological University is a vibrant and inclusive club that serves as a creative hub for students with a passion for Theatre and Filmmaking. Comprising a diverse group of talented individuals, our club is committed to providing a platform where artistic expression flourishes, and members can delve into the multifaceted worlds of both Drama and Cinema.

In our pursuit of nurturing creativity, we organize regular workshops and training sessions that cover various aspects of dramatic arts and cinematic techniques. These sessions are not only educational but also interactive, fostering a collaborative spirit among our members. Whether one is interested in acting, directing, scriptwriting, art designing, cinematography, editing, music or the other technical aspects of filmmaking, our club offers a space for everyone to explore and develop their skills.

Throughout the academic year, we curate and present a series of engaging performances, including a Two Act Play in the Annual Gathering and variety of Short Films with different genres and participate in various Student Short Film Festivals. These events provide our members with opportunities to showcase their talents, share narratives, and connect with the broader COEP community.


Our Projects :

  • Drama

‘Na Bhuto Na Bhavishyati’ https://youtu.be/qK2XhfcifEw?si=RulDuiGJ0U18lPnL

  • Short Films

‘Aabhas’ https://youtu.be/YSqcm-QSodw?si=zljLMALVn_acri4M

‘One Last Time’ https://youtu.be/FK-SUkX_S-E?si=kpQ5wscphFLSvNTe

‘Abhay’ https://youtu.be/uPo4cwqp2cU?si=ko4UqsTKmNTw8nTf

‘PopUp’ https://youtu.be/uCzeTtRATXs?si=cW2jvuZWiiOhlAp0

  • Documentary

‘Stepping Beyond Excellence’ https://youtu.be/xq4U1opOnSo?si=MSn-ndi9C0BcxXR5

  • Interactive Videos

‘Filmy keeda in COEP’  https://youtu.be/bknrYdPsI_g?si=QM_qHmk7Z7eiYpv5


We’ve produced this projects in the first 8 months of the Club itself.

Here’s our Official YouTube Channel - https://youtube.com/@coepdramanfilms?si=UNSyo7777R7B8zVh


Our club is not only about honing skills but also about building lasting friendships and a sense of community. We believe in the transformative power of storytelling and its ability to inspire, entertain, and provoke thought. Join us on this creative journey as we strive to enrich the cultural fabric of COEP through the magic of drama and films!


Secretary: Nikash Deshmukh 7020252597

Faculty Advisor: Prof.S.S.Kumbhar



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