- M.Tech Project Abstract WWC 2015-16
- M.Tech WWC Abstract
- 2014-15
- DC Abstract
- 2014-15
- SP Abstract
- 2014-15
- VLSI Abstra
- MTech VLSI&ES Dissertation Abstracts 2020-21
- MTech VLSI&ES Dissertation Abstracts 2019-20
- MTech VLSI&ES Dissertation Abstracts 2018-19
- 2014-15
- M.Tech. (Electronics - VLSI and ES) 2015-16.
- M.Tech. (Electronics - VLSI and ES) 2016-17.
- Wired and Wireless Communication(WWC) 2016-17
- SY MTech _Digital Systems students
- SY M.Tech E&TC SP 2016-17